Saturday, February 19, 2011

Let me to you something. I’m a government employee in New York. If I called in sick and go to a rally and submit a fraudulent doctor’s note, that’s AWOL plus submitting a fraudulent document which is grounds for immediate character termination.

It’s time for Scott Walker to do a Ronald Reagan and FIRE these lying bastards that suppose to set a good example for our children.

They’re plenty of out of work professionals in Wisconsin that could quickly step in and replace all these frauds in a heartbeat.

They won’t be missed!


The MacIver Institute reports as tens of thousands of public employees skipped work this week to attend protest rallies outside the Wisconsin State Capitol, many wondered if they would face any disciplinary action for unexcused absences

On Saturday, a group of men and women in lab coats purporting to be doctors were handing out medical excuse notes, without examining the ‘patients.’

“I asked this doctor what he was doing and he told me they were handing out excuses to people who were feeling sick due to emotional, mental or financial distress,” said Christian Hartsock.

“They never performed an exam–he asked me how I was feeling today and I said I’m from California and I’m not used to the cold, so he handed me a note.”

The notes read

Feb 19, 2011

Patient’s name______

Date of birth ____/_____/_____

To Whom it May Concern:

This is confirm I have seen and evaluated the above named patient.

Please excuse from work/school due to a medical condition from

____/____/____ through

Please contact me at if additional information is needed. Thank you.


Physician Signature:

Physician Name

WI license number

These people should be banned from the classroom forever!

Video from Crooks and Liars


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