Friday, March 4, 2011

Its funny how in one week, there were two very different events that occurred in two of our best colleges that illustrate how far this country has fallen morally.

The names of the innocent or guilty are unimportant for the purpose of this comparison.

At Bingham Young University, a basketball player was kicked off BYU’s men’s basketball team for having pre-marital sex with his girlfriend. The university, which is run by the Mormon Church, considered such behavior a violation of their “Honor Code” that they expect their students to follow.

Imagine that?

In the 21st century there still exists a college that still upholds values that used to be the norm for every other college in the country. .

Now let’s move a few thousand miles to the East to Northwestern University, where a live sex act was performed in class in front of open mouth students. The in your face sexcapade was performed by a man and his girlfriend in which the woman was brought to orgasm with the aid of a refurbished power tool. When word of this outrageous incident first hit the news, the university president initially defended the actions of his staff as an act of academic freedom. But, now that the blowback is getting stronger, he’s just disappointed.


A favorite default position of the Left is to argue, “as long as no crime was broken…or as long as nobody is hurt…” yada yada yada.
However, this standard is no standard at all at all.
We shrug our shoulders and look the other way. Forget about taking a stand for decency. Why stick your neck out and risked being called names?

Well, I say BYU should be applauded exactly for her refusal to not follow the crowd of “Jersey Shore” Pop Culture. She follows a standard set down by a power greater than herself and doesn’t need to stick a finger in the air to see where the wind is blowing.

In my faith, the Bible speaks about building a house on solid rock instead of sand. And although BYU may believe in different things than my faith as is her right under our freedom of religion, her foundation is much more solid than the Northwesterns, the Harvards, the Yales or other formerly Christian schools that are gradually sinking in the sand.

Moral erosion is not cool.

In fact, it leads to the very hot!


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