Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lets say in November 2012 unemployment is at 8.3%, foreclosure rates are still the highest in American history, China has surpassed the United States as the strongest economy in the world, and Iran is testing missiles capable of delivering their nuclear warheads in the Potomac river.

And given this scenario coupled with the additional burden on American businesses that results in them dropping health care coverage for millions of employees because they can’t afford the regulatory costs of ObamaCare, public sector unions continue to win bloated benefit packages as a result of the efforts of Obama’s Organizing for America brow beating governors and mayors into the fetal position, and residents of California, New York, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin fleeing for lower tax states like Texas and Florida.

All this, and if Obama still wins another term will prove that he’ll would be judged by a lesser standard than any other president had to face.

Affirmative action means that Obama is allowed to shoot from the 7 foot line to make his foul shoots when other president had to shoot from 10 feet. What other conclusion can be drawn here? If Obama were white with the exact circumstances the thought of his reelection would be laughable.

I remember how the pundits on the Left loved to say that Obama was post-racial.

Let’s prove it, judge him as if he was fully white.


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