Sunday, March 6, 2011

I have been known to step on some toes. So, forgive me if you feel my foot.

You may have heard about the Westboro Baptist Church lately in the news. They’re a group of Christian believers that have taken upon themselves to show up at funeral services of our brave fallen military heroes that served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They shout at mourners and carry signs like you can see on the left. In my opinion, what they do is appalling and is so far removed from how Christians ought to behave in this world.

But, let me also say this. Many of the things they say as far as God hating the moral decay of this country is correct. What Wstbore gets wrong is that God hates sin, but still loves sinners!

The basic message of the gospel is of mercy or grace that is willing to forgive the undeserving sinner of his sins.

Westbore totally leavers out the “grace” part of the gospel message and instead hammers people with condemnation and judgment. That is only one part of the message. Jesus preached hell and damnation 80% of the time. But, he demonstrated mercy all the time.

This brings me now to Joel Olsteen and his half a gospel. Westbore is a tiny cognation compared to Olsteen’s mega church which may be over 35,000 members strong. However, the size of the congregation does not in any way validate the message he preaches. If you tune in to one of Olsteen’s sermons that are all over the television, you can listen to him for 20 minutes without him making a specific reference to a Scripture verse.

That is a huge red flag!

Olsteen refuses to call his pulpit a pulpit, and instead calls it a podium. He rarely talks about sin and less about Hell or damnation. This is also a huge problem because he’s watering down the message of the gospel for fear of offending people.

However, the Bible is offensive. It’s meant to be. Jesus said he did not come to bring peace, but a sword, which means there will be a cutting away, or separation if you will from believers and non-believers. Olsteen never mentions any of that and instead does a very good impersonation of a garden variety motivational speaker instead of a minister of the gospel message.

Is there condemnation?

Absolutely, but there’s also mercy and building up your brother or sister and not tearing them down.

Is there encouragement?

Absolutely, but there’s also sound doctrine that has to be taught, followed and understood to its fullest measure to keep us from slipping into Biblical hearsay such as the prosperity gospel or liberation theology.

This is what makes the Christian walk a tricky balancing act. But, Christ himself with the help of the Holy Spirit keeps us in balance. And when we fall, and we do. He picks us right back up!


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