Sunday, March 13, 2011

Michele Bachmann is bringing the heat on Speaker of the House John Boehner and others in the GOP leadership who still hasn’t defunded newly recently discovered funding that was hidden withing the nearly 3,000 page ObamaCare law.

I agree with Michele!

It’s time for these guys to “man up” and do what needs to be done and stop acting like scared rabbits.

MinnPost reports that Michele Bachmann said Friday she was “a little disappointed” with House GOP leaders over their not insisting on the full rescinding of $105 billion already authorized to fund the health reform law, telling a crowd of activists here that “you don’t win if you don’t fight.”

Bachmann asked Republican leaders this week to refuse outright any bill that continues funding the federal government unless it also defunds the health reform law – including pulling back the $105 billion that was already authorized for implementation in the law itself.

However, when the latest three-week continuing resolution was released Friday morning, it contained $6 billion in cuts but didn’t include the defunding provision. Bachmann deemed that effort unacceptable, saying they just got a “tiny little cut for three weeks,” and pledged to vote no.

“When will we start the battle? I’m not seeing it, I don’t know about you. President Obama did a press conference today, and he was on offense. We need to get on the field.”

Bachmann has pledged to vote against any further government funding bills until the health reform law is fully defunded or overturned, saying Republicans must use their leverage in holding the House and risk a government shutdown if necessary to insist on the cuts.

More details here

The margin of the GOP victory in the November midterm elections is a strong indicator that the American people expect House GOP to rip the guts out of ObamaCare. If these men continue to act act like punks, then they’ll be in for a rude awakening the next election cycle.

This has been the problem with the Washington GOP types for years. For the most part, they’re not fighters, but a bunch of “me too” Republicans



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