Monday, March 28, 2011

Go Vanessa!

Here’s the skinny why the Left is against Charter Schools. It’s the same reason why some states that have been governed by Liberal Democrats are on the brink of bankruptcy-Teachers Public Sector Unions!

Anything that interrupts the money flow from taxpayer, to union dues, to contributions to the Democrat Party, and payback to the Unions in big salaries and very generous benefits packages is the enemy.

Charter Schools have not only been proven to offer inner city kids a better quality of education, they employ NON UNION teachers.

Do you think these public sector teachers unions like this? Absolutely not! They want the statues quo of failing schools, big money and benefits, and the hell with the education of the Black and Latino kids the Democrat Party is supposed to represent.

The Blaze reports that when Bill Ayers agreed to visit New Jersey’s Montclair State University–which The Blaze reported on here–he probably didn‘t think he’d get taken down publicly–and embarassingly–by a young black activist. But that’s what happened when New Jersey’s Vanessa Jean-Louis questioned Ayers about his opposition to charter schools in this stunning exchange:



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