Thursday, March 31, 2011

Looks like these pupils got the hots for teacher! I know that kids today have a short attention spam. Is this the way to fix that?

The Daily Mail reports that these sensational pictures have rocked one of Britain’s most hallowed institutions – Harrow School.

Topless photographs of an art tutor at the £30,000-a-year private school have been circulating its classrooms, dorms and corridors.

Joanne Salley, 32, a former model and TV presenter, posed provocatively in just a tight pair of jeans. In one shot she is draped over a bookcase crammed with tomes on art history.

Her tousled brunette hair reaches down to the small of her tanned back. In another moody image, she stares straight at the camera.

The pictures were captured by a fellow teacher at the school, professional photographer Fiona Corthine, as first reported by the Daily Mail’s Richard Kay. They are believed to have been taken on school grounds – in its art rooms.

The pictures were discovered by a pupil in the school’s photography laboratory – where they had been left on a memory stick. To the horror of Miss Salley –a former Miss Northern Ireland who used to go out with England rugby star Matt Dawson – the pictures circulated like wildfire on pupils’ mobiles.

They have been seen by the majority of the school’s 825 male pupils, its teachers and even its kitchen staff. Pupils who forwarded these pictures to the Mail did so after censoring them with modesty boxes.

More details here


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