Sunday, March 13, 2011

This is turning out to be a Michele Bachmann weekend. I have no problem with that at all because she has more guts than the in the GOP leadership.

The sad reality for the men in the GOP is that they’re coming up very short in the cajones department.
Maybe Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann can give’em all testosterone injections?

The Blaze reports in a surprise clash of conservative activists versus liberal activists, advocates for the president’s global AIDS plan crashed Rep. Michele Bachmann’s carefully choreographed speech to a gathering of New Hampshire Republicans.

As the Minnesota lawmaker spoke to the GOP state committee on Saturday in Nashua, a line of liberal activists burst into a chant and waved signs that read, “Michele Bachmann, We Insist! End AIDS treatment waiting lists.”

The activists were incensed at proposed budget cuts to PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

As they attempted to circle the room, getting closer to the platform where the congresswoman was speaking, conservatives in attendance sprang into action – booing, shouting down the activists and ushering them out of the room.

After they were ousted, Bachmann lashed out at them.
“They just brought the buses in from Madison, Wisconsin,” the congresswoman said, an apparent reference to recent protests over bargaining rights of most Wisconsin state workers.


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