Friday, March 18, 2011

Just another day on the M.T.A.

This is one of the reason I stopped riding the subway to work over 20 years ago and switched to the LIRR. And although this may sound very snobby, there’s a greater potential to meet a lower class of people like the chic in this video getting her eat on when you ride the regular subway. It’s just the truth

It’s a ghetto move perpetrated by a Ghetto Queen.

The Blaze reports there is a NYC subway rider‘s code that says you just don’t eat food on the train. Sure, a Snickers here and there, or even (if you want to push it) a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is okay. But a Subway sandwich on the subway, a juicy burger, or even Chinese food is out of the question. And so too is spaghetti.

So when one girl started chowing down on some of the aforementioned pasta on the train recently, she drew the ire of a fellow passenger. Things started with your typical name-calling (“animal” and “bit**” got thrown around) and then degenerated into this (all out madness)

You can say the woman with the complaints should’ve minded her own business. But, this is New York! Somebody is bound to say something. It’s just the way it is.


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