Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Donald just won’t go away to the consternation of the Obama regime.. However, Trump poses a legitimate question. Why won’t the president just produce the long form birth certificate? I think Trump is on the money when he suspects there’s something on there the president doesn’t want made public and is willing to pay millions in keeping secret.

The issue is not his status anymore.

What is it that’s worth so much money to keep hidden?

Also, Obama has kept his college transcripts sealed too. My suspicion is that he was an average B- student throughout college, maybe worse. That reality wouldn’t jib with the manufactured image of brilliance.

The Blaze reports this is what he really thinks…This is Donald being Donald…I don‘t think it’s as premeditated as some people think it is,” says Roger Stone of Donald Trump’s birtherism. Trump is a possible GOP presidential candidate for 2012. And he wants to know where President Obama’s birth certificate is.

Stone, who appeared with Insider Extreme’s SE Cupp, is the colorful political strategist behind “Stone’s Rules.” He was once described by The Weekly Standard’s Matt Labash as a “political operative, Nixon-era dirty trickster, professional lord of mischief.” And here he is below, speaking about Trump:



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