Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take a hike fatty!

Seriously, that’s a nice lawsuit A.I. needs to be slapped with. As a lover of plumb women, I totally back Ashley is her fingers starts itching to call a lawyer.

Daily Mail reports that she had been given free tickets to attend the filming of American Idol and was understandably excited. But 19-year-old Ashley Kauffman's joy soon turned to upset on being told she was 'too big' to sit in the front row.
'There were two ladies and one said: "Oh, I don't want shorts in front," about my friend,' Miss Kauffman, of Riverside, California, told MailOnline.

'Then she looked at me and said: "Oh no, you're too big, too heavy to be in front!"
'I was taken aback by it. I was hurt. My friends were completely taken back.

'I'm the heavier one in our group but I'm not even that heavy,' she said.

The second year college student and five of her girlfriends had been given the free tickets after friends of theirs couldn't go to the show.

'We were so excited,' said Miss Kauffman.
'I'm a big fan. I went shopping to buy a new outfit but in the end I decided to wear some black pants and a shirt I already had.

'I didn't think I looked too bad.'

To make matters worse Miss Kauffman and the two other girls were then seated in the back of the theatre rather than directly behind their other friends.

More details here

It’s time to call 1-800 SUE THEIR ASS OFF! I stopped watching A.I. a couple of years ago because, in my opinion, it got tired for me. I’m not rushing to see it again after this incident.


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