Thursday, April 21, 2011

I’m still amazed how people put all their business on Facebook. Doesn’t make sense to me at all. Thankfully, the teens and pre-teens aren’t to slick to out-fox a concerned mom.

Daily Mail reports an Atlanta mother used Facebook to track down an older teenager who allegedly had sex with her 12-year-old daughter.

Joie Lee first became suspicious when she read part of an argument between her daughter, and the girlfriend of 17-year-old Rodney Duncan posted on the social networking site. When she found references to sex between Duncan and her daughter, she set about tracking down the girlfriend in order to confront the teenager face-to-face.

Speaking to, Mrs Lees said of the initial Facebook post: 'It gave me a picture of the young man. I knew who he was. It led me to the girlfriend. She had information.'

After locating Duncan, and armed with information from his girlfriend, she confronted his mother at their home. But after Duncan's mother refused to talk Mrs Lee went to the police.

More details here

How stupid is this boy’s mother? It looks like the girl’s mother wanted to work things out between the both of them. But, since the 17 yr old mom acted like an ass, her son may face some serious jail time.

Now we where the boy gets his brains from.


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