Friday, April 22, 2011

I lived long enough to say that this movie isn’t worth seeing twice!

The down in the dumps mood of the country is very reminiscent of what America went through during the failed presidency of Jimmy Carter back in the late 70s. Under Carter, America lost her “can do” attitude. The economy was a mess with high unemployment and no hope for improvement under Carter who was hopelessly in over his head as president.

Today, President Obama, who I once referred to as Jimmy Carter in black skin, is equally inept as Carter and the results for the mood of the country is once again miserable.

New York Times reports that Americans are more pessimistic about the nation’s economic outlook and overall direction than they have been at any time since President Obama’s first two months in office, when the country was still officially ensnared in the Great Recession, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Amid rising gas prices, stubborn unemployment and a cacophonous debate in Washington over the federal government’s ability to meet its future obligations, the poll presents stark evidence that the slow, if unsteady, gains in public confidence earlier this year that a recovery was under way are now all but gone.

Capturing what appears to be an abrupt change in attitude, the survey shows that the number of Americans who think the economy is getting worse has jumped 13 percentage points in just one month. Though there have been encouraging signs of renewed growth since last fall, many economists are having second thoughts, warning that the pace of expansion might not be fast enough to create significant numbers of new jobs.

The dour public mood is dragging down ratings for both parties in Congress and for President Obama, the poll found.

After the first 100 days of divided government, and a new Republican leadership controlling the House of Representatives, 75 percent of respondents disapproved of the way Congress is handling its job.

Disapproval of Mr. Obama’s handling of the economy has never been broader — at 57 percent of Americans — a warning sign as he begins to set his sights on re-election in 2012. And a similar percentage disapprove of how Mr. Obama is handling the federal budget deficit, though more disapprove of the way Republicans in Congress are.

More details here

The big difference between Carter and Obama, is that Carter didn’t have the enormous propaganda apparatus that is the main stream media cheerleading for him. That gives Obama an advantage Carter never have. However, the majority of the American people recognize that the mainstream media is in the tank for Obama.

I sure hope this movie only lasts one term too.



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