Thursday, April 21, 2011

I asked earlier today what was Barack Obaama gonna now considering NATO admitted yesterday that it can’t prevent Ghadafi from killing Libyans at will.

Obama’s answer?

He’s sending in predator drones to turn the tide of the war. The problem is, it won’t work. So expect the MSM to really hype whenever one of these flying assassins happens to knock off a few G’s loyalists. B

But, the slaughter will continue without the media bothering to count the bodies.

Firedoglake reports that defense Secretary Robert Gates announced at a Pentagon briefing that President Obama has authorized the use of armed Predator drones over Libya. The unmanned planes have been used extensively in the Afghanistan and Pakistan missions, among other places. In fact, an amendment to the latest FAA Authorization bill, if passed by Congress, would allow for the use of drones in US airspace. So why not Libya?

Drawing another line in the sand after crossing several, Gates said that the President was holding firm on ground troops in Libya, vowing not to send them. Regime change “was always a political goal” best accomplished from inside Libya, Gates said, and the US role in the conflict was to provide space for that regime change by reducing Moammar Gadhafi’s military capability

More details here

Ghadafi is winning the war and Obama is being chumped.



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