Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Left had a victory lap this week when Glenn beck announced he was leaving Fox News Channel. The celebration may be very short lived because Glenn Beck will end up being more influential than he is now. I’ll remind these folks on the Left that at one time Rush Limbaugh once had a TV show that did n;t work out. Did it end it for Rush when that TV show went away?

Obviously not!

Beck is going to be bigger than ever!

So the Bill Maher’s and Jon Stewart’s may continue to laugh on what they think is Glenn Beck’s grave. It’ll Beck that’ll have the last laugh as will brings the truth to the world.

The Blaze reports since announcing his departure from his Fox News show, a lot of people have been wondering what Glenn Beck is going to do once he goes.

From what he told Bill O’Reilly last night, it sounds like Beck only has plans to become a bigger force in the media world, though he still remained vague about what he was actually planning on doing.

Beck acknowledged the platform that Fox News had given him, saying “there’s no place to do cable news except for Fox“ but he also said ”it’s a new era, things are changing in the world,” hinting that he would be held back by staying at Fox.
“We have to reach different audiences, we have to reach younger.”


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