Friday, May 6, 2011

Lawrence O’Donnell tries to pass himself as a tough guy, but basically he’s a bully that’s not too bright. His schtick is to intimated and mock his guests. For the most, he gets away with it because he only invites people on his show that are basically punks.

Well, Larry makes a gargantuan mistake if he thought he could get away with bullying former national security advisor, Condoleezza Rice!

She stood up to Larry the Bully Guy and didn’t give up an inch. This interview should be watched and emulated by all GOPers as to how to handle an interview by not being afraid of these Leftist bastards trying to trip them up.

Fight back, show guts and toughness and bullies back off every time.

Great job Condoleezza!

The Blaze reports for some reason, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice decided to invigorate MSNBC’s The Last Word by agreeing to debate host/actor Lawrence O’Donnell (Big Love, Monk, Mrs. Harris, The Practice, The Lyons Den, The West Wing). How do you think that went?


O’Donnell began by asking Rice if President Obama’s visit to Ground Zero earlier today was appropriate, which she did, and she explained former President Bush’s absence, attributing it to a desire to stay out of the spotlight, and not to detract from President Obama’s moment.

Things got gradually more “tense,” as O’Donnell described it, when the subject turned to the Bush administration’s post-9/11 assessment of the threat that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq posed. Rice’s responses were mainly Bush-era Golden Oldies about things Hussein did in the early nineties, but O’Donnell’s interrogation was a 180 degree shift from the more deferential treatment the administration received from the press at the time.

Some might even say O’Donnell swung the pendulum too far the other way, at times replacing actual questions with, as Rice observed, “your own commentary,” but he did land some powerful blows, such as his invocation of Rice’s famous “mushroom cloud” quote.

Condoleezza Rice, for her part, made an excellent point as she got in the last word:

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Maybe Rice has some thoughts of putting her hat in the ring for the GOP nomination?


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