Thursday, May 19, 2011

In a most disgusting display of hubris and ignorance, President Barack Hussein Obama called on the state of Israel to retreat to their 1967 borders.

I couldn’t believe my ears!

Obama might as well have handed Hamas the launch codes to one thousand Trident missiles if he thinks that giving up the strategically vital Golan Heights and other buffer zones is something Israel should do.

Once again Obama has reminded the world that it’s amateur hour at the White House.

Liberals love to dub the uprisings in Muslims countries throughout the Middle East as the so-called “Arab Spring”. It’s a catchy albeit meaningless slogan that gives a false impression of hope and progress for that troubled part of the world. What’s really happening amongst the false clamoring for freedom is a call for the freedom to destroy Israel once and for all.

In essence, Obama has told Israel, “Go to Hell!” And he’s clearly aligning himself with his Muslim comrades that he’s constantly reaching out to.

Iran is busily trying to develop nuclear weapons to use against Israel and Obama does nothing to stop it, and probably prays for it.

It’s a sad day indeed and I hope Israel survives long enough before something truly tragic happens until Obama can be removed from office in 2012.

The life and the safety of Israel depends on it!



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