Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Scott Brown was never a true conservative. But the problem that's plaguing the GOP is that there are too many scared rabbits. They rather be popular or liked by the media rahter being a true conservative advocates.

Or more bluntly they're chicken shit!

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) scolded the senator for opposing the House GOP budget from Rep. Paul Ryan.

The Hill
An Illinois Republican on Monday said Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) should be "ashamed of himself" for opposing Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) budget plan.

"Respectfully, Scott Brown ought to be ashamed of himself," Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) told Neil Cavuto on the Fox Business Network. "This is the defining moment of this generation. We have got to be bold. We know these entitlements have to be reformed to be saved. He knows that."

Walsh added that any Republican opposed to the plan was motivated by "political reasons."

"Any Republican that doesn’t vote for this or doesn’t support this is purely being guided by political reasons," Walsh continued. "This is not time to be politically scared. Every day I am in this town I am more convinced this president has no clue as to the financial cliff we are about to fall off of.”

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