Sunday, May 22, 2011

Leave to the clueless Left to attack a Republican on foreign policy. These are the last people to that should criticize anyone given we have a community organizer masquerading as president with an approval rating in the low 40s.

Shakir wrote:
“Former pizza executive Herman Cain announced on Saturday in Atlanta that he is “running for the president of the United States, and I’m not running for second.” Previously, Cain has shown a lack of depth on foreign policy, stating at one point that he doesn’t know enough to say what he thinks about the Afghanistan war.”

What Shakir doesn’t report is that Cain said he doesn’t have access to the “on the ground” situation as well as intelligence reports only available to a president.

Cain is also showing much better judgment than candidaten Obama who criticized Bush left and right only to follow Bush’s program to the letter when became president.

Gitmo still open!

Obama doubled down on drone attacks!

Obama increased troops in Afghanistan using Bush surge plans that were successful in Iraq!

So, Cain waiting see information on facts on the ground before making a decision on policy is a wise move. But, what do you expect from Think Progress?



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