Monday, May 16, 2011

At lunch today I heard Rush talking about some knocks coming Michele Bachmann’s way from a piece in the Daily Caller. For some reason there are whispers going around GOP circles that she isn’t conservatively pure because she supported Ethanol subsidies.

To quote Barack Obama, “It’s the silly season!”

I’m not down with Ethanol, and yes it’s a boondoggle twisted up in Iowa politics. However, whether or not Bachmann is for or against E subsidies should not be a litheness test for conservative purity.

We conservatives play this stupid game all the time where we pull down our pants, whip it out and try to prove who the bigger conservative is. This practice will never go away, and I understand that. Nonetheless, we more often than not make fools of ourselves as we shoot each other’s feet.

Having said that, Michele Bachmann is plenty enough conservative for me! In fact, she tows the conservative line better than 99.9% of all Washington GOPers. She’s not afraid to unapologetically speak conservative values without trying to blur the message for the approval of the Washington elites.

She’s a founding member of the Tea Party Caucus in the House—nuff said!

And she has more balls than John Boehner and Eric Cantor combined.

Case closed!

If you mess with Michele, you mess with me.



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