Saturday, March 12, 2011

Here’s another illustration of who liberals really truly are. My comments come later.

NewsBusters reports that hundreds if not thousands of people are dead due to a devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. But at least it gave Barack Obama an avenue to remind everyone he was born in Hawaii. That's the silver lining for MSNBC's Chris Matthews.

"Was this sort of a good opportunity for the president to remind everybody that he grew up in the United States and Hawaii?"

That's a question that Chris Matthews posed to MSNBC host and White House corresondent Chuck Todd about President Obama taking a question from a Japanese reporter during a news conference earlier today at the White House.

Matthews pegged this question on the fact that there are many persons of Japanese heritage who live in the Hawaiian islands, which were themselves impacted by smaller tsunami resulting from the earthquake.

"That's the first thing I thought of," Matthews insisted. "Such a large number of people believe he grew up in [Kenya], they're buying this thing that's coming from Huckabee," Matthews insisted.

More details here

Here we have another teachable moment of the true nature of Liberals. They love to pass themselves off as the most compassionate people in the world that knows what’s best for everyone else.


Liberals only care about what other liberal elites think about them. So they try and outdo each other with a “phony façade of compassion” for people that they see as beneath them like minority groups, the so-called down trodden or the little guys.

The reality is Liberals only care about control on their terms based on transient values that could change with the wind. They have absolutely no kind of substance because for them it’s only about perception, the photo op, or the spin of the usual Left wing tramples. They don’t really feel genuine compassion, which is why Chris Matthews can look at the devastation in Japan from the earthquakes and the Tsunami and only see how this can somehow benefit Barack Obama.

It’s not just Chris Matthews either; all liberals are like this in one extent or another. If you’re young and consider yourself a liberal, do you really want to become like Chris Matthews? This is the same man who said that he forgot Barack Obama was black after listening Obama give his first SOTU

This is racism of low expectations (see Chris Matthews is a Good Racist) that liberals are guilty of 24/7 and NEVER get call out for being so condescending. But nooooo their the ones who care about the less fortunate.

My left foot!

They only care how they look to each other at cocktail parties.



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