Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leave it to a “ghetto queen” masquerading as a member of congress to take advantage of a possible government shut down to “get her shopping on” with other members of the equally useless members of the Black Congressional Caucus.

Oh yeah, I went there!

The Hill reports that with a government shutdown looming, Capitol Hill was a pretty serious place on Wednesday afternoon.

But for Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.), what better way to ease the tension than with a congressional ladies personal shopping trip in Arlington, Va.?

According to an email from Brown’s scheduler titled, “Outing with Congresswoman Corrine Brown,” staff member Cathy Gass invited Brown’s fellow female Congressional Black Caucus members to join the lawmaker at a boutique in Crystal City, Va. on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the email, which was addressed to “CBC Schedulers,” Brown “would like to invite the woman [sic] CBC Members to go shopping with her at Daniel’s Boutique this afternoon after votes.

Please let me know if your Member is interested and I will inform the Congresswoman.”

Gass also suggests that for members who “would like to share [their] dress size, the boutique can pull some items for them to have available once they arrive.”

More details here

I’m sure they’ll squeeze time to get their nails and feet done too.



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