Sunday, April 3, 2011

Every video I have posted from the war (kinetic military action) in Libya has shown these rebels (civilians) are a bunch of Keystone Kops who can’t shoot straight.

It’s a joke!

From The Blaze

The only way NATO ( United States) is going to get rid of Ghadafi is to send in real soldiers to do the job right. But our brilliant president (community organizer) has already said that he isn’t going to send ground troops—a bit of news that Ghafafi is still doing a desert dance over. He’s been around for 40 years, probably has hundreds of underground bunkers all over Libya that he can chill out in and wait out NATO (United State) forces to loose their resolve 0i fight. But of course the Obama state run media will continue to wait for the rebels to win a battle so they can tout a victory for Obama. It’s a hilarious thing to see because we know deep down the media hates military action.

See Another Black Conservative, Libyan rebels being trained by American and Egyptian forces? for morre news.


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