Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sam is $75,000 in credit card debt and the combined interest rate on the debt is 45%.

A friend of Sam’s, Rudy Republican says to him, “Hey! You need to get that thing down. Get a pair of scissors and cut American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover in half. Stop paying the minimum and send them a chunk of money a month. Cut back on some stuff”

Sam wasn’t happy with Rudy’s advice. So, he went to his other friend Donny Democrat.

Donny says, “I don’t know why you bother talking to Rudy. Don’t you know he’s a racist, a homophobe, a male chauvinist, an Islamophobe, doesn’t believe in global warming, he clings to his guns and religion, he thinks that Sarah Palin is actually intelligent, he voted for George W. Bush twice, and he’s anti-union!
Why do you listen to Rudy?

Here what you do. Go borrow more money from Chimmy China and use the cash to pay the minimum payment on the credit cards. Then use the rest of the money to put a down payment on a bigger house, a 30 ft yacht, buy your wife a mink coat, a new $75,000 entertainment center with Blue-Ray, get a couple of time shares in Colorado and Brazil, and stop voting for these racists Republicans will ya’!”

Ten years later, Sam is $251, 000 credit card debt, living in his mother-in-laws basement because the bigger house he bought was foreclosed on, the yacht, the mink coat and the entertainment center was reprocessed.

He wife says, “What kind of idiot borrows more money when we were already in so much debt? You’re a fucking idiot, Sam!”

“That’s what Donny said to do,” said Sam.
“You mean your ex-friend Donny Democrat who lives under a bridge now and lives off county checks?”

The United States is borrowing $400 billion a day to service the national debt. Those are crazy numbers to contemplate, but one day very soon when the U.S. system will collapse just like Sam’s life in the above story.

If we listen to Rudy (Paul Ryan budget) we can save our country from financial ruin and preserve it and make it prosperous again for ourselves and future generations.

But if we continue to go down the Donny route (Tax and spend, borrow more money, and create new entitlement in ObamaCare. Kick the can down the road) we’ll end up in a very sorry and painful state.

Contrary to the lies and scare tactics used by the Democrats Party to deceive people and perpetuate a culture of dependency, the Republicans are trying to fix the problems that plague the country. Don’t fall for Democrat deceit; you’re too smart for that.



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