Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In the coming days, look for the NAACP, Al Sgarpton, Jesse Jackson and SEIU be dispatch like dutiful whores servicing their masters in the Democrat Party and viscously attack fellow Democrat Adrian M. Fenty. After their done Fenty will be licky enough to get a used Christmas card from the DNC.

The Washington Post reports that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker this morning got some rare Democratic support for his high-profile push to eliminate most state workers' collective barganing rights -- from former D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty.

Fenty made his comments as a
guest on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," making an in-studio appearance in New York with takeover mogul and ex-"car czar" Steven Rattner and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan.

When discussion turned to Walker's anti-union push, Fenty jumped right in.

"This is kind of what I faced in four years as mayor," Fenty told hosts Mike Barnicle and Mika Brzezinski. "He's right on the substance, I think. I tend to agree with him on the need for collective bargaining reform. But he's also right on the politics. I just don't understand why the legislature has been given this pass to go to another state and not do what they were sworn to do, and that's to take a vote.

Unfortunately for Gov. Walker, he hasn't been able to get that out. He needs to point the finger a little bit more at them and say. 'Listen, they should take a vote. All I want is for them to vote up or down, and I will be fine with whatever they decide.'"

Brzezinski asked Fenty if he agreed with what Walker is doing.

"The substance of it, I do," Fenty said. "Most governors and mayors would love to be able to manage their team without the interference of collective bargaining. ... I believe that managers have the ability to set fair wages, and to set fair hours, and to reward people or hold them accountable. I think it's a new day. I think a lot of these collective bargaining agreements are completely outdated."

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You may want to buy some Get Well Soon cards for Fenty for the beating he’s goona catch. But, he’s absolutely right on his assessment. Federal employees don’t have collective bargaining rights. Do yo hear the media pointing that out? Or do you see President Obama fighting to give his workers bargaining rights?

Hell no!



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