Wednesday, March 9, 2011

They’re dropping like flies over at NPR. Soon there won’t be a need for the Feds to cut their funding because they won’t have any staff left.

Video sting see here

NPR reports that NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller has resigned after NPR's board of directors decided that she could no longer effectively lead the organization.

This follows
yesterday's news that then-NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller (no relation) was videotaped slamming conservatives and questioning whether NPR needs federal funding during a lunch with men posing as members of a Muslim organization (they were working with political activist James O'Keefe on a "sting.")

Vivian Schiller quickly condemned Ron Schiller's comments, and he moved up an already-announced decision to leave NPR and resigned effective immediately. But Ron Schiller's gaffe followed last fall's
dismissal of NPR political analyst Juan Williams, for which Vivian Schiller came under harsh criticism and NPR's top news executive, Ellen Weiss, resigned.

More details here


Rumors has that NPR is posting this employment ad in the NY Times

Wanted: Media executive with 5 yrs exp in progressive media outlets. Exp at Huffington Post is a plus. Must have voted for Barack Obama, believe in global warming, pro Palestinian, hate Sarah Palin and Glen Beck, believe that FDR was a brilliant president except for what he said against public sector unions, must believe that Michael Moore is a prophet sent from God, don’t believe in God, believe in socialism, and thinks Rush Limbaugh is Satan.

Send resumes to Michelle Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington D.C.


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