Monday, March 7, 2011

A large part of the goings on in politics is what happens because the voters aren’t paying close attention to the day to day business of the people.

Most people have lives of their own to live. They have to get kids ready for school. Get to work on time and deal with a boss they don’t like. When work is over, it’s a mad dash to pick up the kids, get dinner ready, pay some overdue bills, check home work, get the kids ready for sleep, and try and unwind from a rough day before it starts all over again.

So millions of New Yorkers weren’t paying attention when Andrew Cuomo cut a deal with SEIU, a powerful public sector union, that agrees to a 4% increase in Medicaid spending year after year. New York newspapers, including the New York Post, are fulfilling their role as propaganda machines for Democrat politicos and erroneously describe the deal as a “cap” on spending.

But, is it a cap?

If you had a carton of milk and turn it upside and removed the cap every four minutes, eventually all the milk will run out. So where expected to swallow 4% increase every year as Cuomo’s answer to right New York’s sinking ship of state?

Public sector unions throughout the state are tripping over themselves praising Gov Cuomo as a man they can negotiate with.
He’s not like that Walker guy in Wisconsin.

They’re standing in line waiting for their deal and the governor is only too happy to comply. All that is necessary to continue business as usual between a Democrat governor and the public sector unions that helped put him in office is for their media whores to call spending increase “caps” and “freezes” and New York taxpayers won’t know the difference because they’re too busy making lunch for the kids.


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