Monday, March 7, 2011

Gov Scott Walker has stood in the gap on behalf of Wisconsin taxpayers to right a state mired in fiscal quicksand.
But, if some polls are to be believed, the voters of Wisconsin that elected him to take on the public sector unions are getting wobbly in their support simply because their succumbing to PC pressure.

As often is the case dealing with the Liberal hoards that have no problem berating and demonizing their enemies, Scott Walker has become union enemy #1.

As far as the union is concerned, he must be defeated in order to continue to prolong the gravy train between the Democrat Party and themselves.

Making Walker a demon is right out of the Liberal playbook. Unfortunately for Wisconsin, if taxpayers don’t stand up to support the man they hired to fight the special interests that is bankrupting the state with their bloated benefit packages, the Badger state will continue to become another California and New York.

What will it be Wisconsin?

Will you fight for your state, let the public sector unions dictate terms?

Or will you cut and run because you can’t take the PC onslaught?

I thought badgers were tough.

You’re move, Wisconsin.


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